About us


Candace is a full time caregiver for her mother Robin, whom unfortunately was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia at the young age.

Throughout the years of caring for her mother she’s come to realize the lack of education and resources available, when it comes to people diagnosed at a younger age.

Candace has also learned that there is also a lack of support and resources for the caregivers, as well.

With this realization she started to put up posts on her personal Facebook Page for friends and family about day to day life caring for her mother and started a Facebook group dedicated to chronicling their journey through early onset dementia.

Candace’s main target audience are those caring for loved ones diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia, with emphasis on those caregivers caring for love ones diagnosed under the age of 65. She wants to be able to offer her years of experience, as well as support to a community that usually goes ignored and misunderstood.

Robin, 2013, Before Diagnosis

Robin, diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia at the young age of 57 years old. But to my estimation, was showing symptoms around the age of 50 years old.

Before she was diagnosed, she was a/and still is single mother, an activist, and a friend.

Today, Robin is 63 and is fully dependent on her daughter for all her daily and basic needs.

Still verbal, but not always understandable. Some of her favorite phrases are; “I love you!”. “Thank you!”, “You’re the best!”, “You’re so wonderful!”, and “F**k you!” Yes, she still has the attitude of gratitude. But, she’ll also cuss ya out pretty quick.

Sadly, Robin suffers daily from Hallucinations and sometimes delusions. Being that she is medication sensitive, there’s very few drug options available to us for her.

Right now, the only drug we use for her (as needed) is Ativan. And we are very careful with that. Reason being because of her severe allergies, if she develops a tolerance to it, we have little to no options for meds left.

Robin, Walking with her bear! 🙂

Some of Robin’s favorite things are riding in the car with her daughter, going for haircuts, shopping for pet supplies, junk food, pacing the house all day, rummaging, having a handful of items in her hands at all times, and spending time talking to, petting and loving on her 4-legged baby, Bob and walking around with Bob’s bed(s) or toys.

Bob, a wonderful pet and companion entered our family a little over 3 years ago. We adopted him for my mom to keep her company.

Robin and Bob became fast friends. The immense love between the two of them is immeasurable.

Bob is a poodle/bichon mix. And he is just the most incredible little guy.

During the day, Bob can be found napping on the couch with mom (or by himself). Napping on the floor on his bed. He can be found chewing on his favorite treats. Watching tv. Trying to chase cars (while leashed). Laying out on the porch or in the yard. He loves the great outdoors. And he loves going on play dates with his friend Teddi! Yup! The dog has more of a social life than we do!

Robin and Bob are also very protective of each other. And we appreciate the fact that he loves her so much that he’s willing to step into action, if needed. He’s a small dog, but don’t tell him that! 🙂

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2 thoughts on “About us

  1. Thank you for looking at my blog “On Funerals”. I am very moved by your story of your journey with your mother. I think it can be a source of comfort and guidance for any of us who have cared for loved ones with dementia

    1. You’re welcome!

      Thanks do much for your kind comment. I hope you’ll continue to come back, subscribe and share with anyone you think would benefit from our blog.

      I thought your article was great! Keep up the good work! 🙂

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