If you are a caregiver for someone with dementia or any kind of terminal illness, chances are you have experienced some form of grief. I know I have…it’s extremely difficult…and it hurts in ways that words don’t suffice. There are two main types of grief caregivers experience: Ambiguous Grief Anticipatory Grief Let’s talk about what …
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Thank You, Caregivers!
An open letter from us thanking all the caregivers of the world for what they do. More often than not we tend to be under appreciated. Well, we want you to know that WE appreciate you!
My Scary Saturday
Yesterday, my mom was extremely lethargic and weak. She was eating even slower than usual. I had to wake up during breakfast and lightly tap and rub her face to prompt her to chew and swallow. I’d never seen her so weak. She could barely stand without staggering. I decided, breakfast was finished, until I …
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