Happy Mother’s Day

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Well, Mother’s Day is upon us.

I know for a lot of us, this is a bittersweet day. I know it is for me. My mom is advancing. I’m not sure if this is my last one with her or not. I hope not. But, who knows?

For some of us, this is a day of mourning, our mother’s are either transitioning or already passed.

Then, there’s the Coronavirus that has turned everyone’s world upside-down. We can’t take our mother’s out like we usually would. Can’t visit. It’s tough.

Strawberry-Banana Smoothie for Mom

Well, I’ve decided for Mother’s Day, I’m going to go out and get her one of her favorite drinks. I’m also going to fix her a meal I know she’ll love.

On a normal day, I would take mom and the dog out for a car ride but, its important I protect her and her immune system. I can’t risk her getting sick. Also, it’s cold here in New Jersey, and Mom isn’t a fan of the cold.

I consider myself extremely blessed that she’s been able to stay home. Especially, now.

It would be so hard for me to only be able to visit her through a window.

Also, how would I explain to her what’s going on and, why I wouldn’t be able to visit? I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t understand. It would be a tragic situation, as I have witnessed in so many cases, lately.

Truth is, mom doesn’t know or care that it’s Mother’s Day. But, I know. I care.

To her, it’s just another day. Her world won’t be changed by this one way or another. Yet, something in me feels the need to acknowledge her and make her feel as special as I can. Because, I feel like she deserves it. Because, I may not get another opportunity.

Mom is special. She’s been fighting this battle of FTD for a long time. I’m guessing it started about 7 years prior to diagnosis. She was diagnosed October 1, 2013. So, that means she has been potentionally fighting Frontotemporal Dementia nearly 14 years. That’s a long time. I’m proud of the battle she’s fought thus far. She’s a trooper.

One of my favorite memories of my mother is the car rides on my way to school, in the mornings.

Some mornings we were quiet, and we would just enjoy the ride. Or we would have a good talk. She was an amazing talker. She always had a way of making me think. It was amazing how she could tap into my young mind.

I credit her for my abilities to think, analyze, and my empathic abilities.

Our car rides were also for music appreciation. Oh, how she loves music still.

If I could offer you any gift ideas for your mother today, it would be something so simple that has made a HUGE difference with my mom in day to day life. Headphones.


Mom with her headphones on! 🙂

My mother LOVES her headphones.

Not only does she love her headphones, but, I have noticed she is far less combative since having them.

She loves to sing and dance. Potty time is much smoother. Bathing her is much smoother. And she is so much happier. I’ve also noticed having headphones on seems to make her more mobile. She’s up and walking more frequently.

Yes, mom still sits during the day. But, before the headphones she was sitting for just way too long. Now, she alternates more. This makes me happy.

If I forget to put her headphones on her, she will stand over me and look at them, or me, until I put them on her. So, it truly matters.

Sitting, relaxing, listening to her headphones

Music is the greatest gift I could have given her back. I’m not sure I could give her anything else, besides a favorite meal or drink that could top that.

Mom doesn’t say many words, anymore. But, believe me when I tell you, she knows how to communicate her wants and needs when it comes to her headphones.

Music makes her world go round. Music also keeps her mind active, and makes her smile. To me (and her), its totally worth it.

Another cool gift idea might be a nice pair of non-skid socks and/or non-skid slippers. You definitely can’t go wrong there.

However you decide to honor your mother on this special day, I hope it’s a wonderful day.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you that have families of their own and caring for their mothers.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you, even if you don’t have kids. I know quite well the role reversal that happens with caregiving. While you may not be a biological mom, I think in a sense, caregiving counts! So enjoy it! You deserve it! 🙂

What are your plans for Mother’s Day?

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2 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day

  1. Glad you were able to spend the day together.. It’s interesting how we sometimes need to get that special drink or whatever more for ourselves then for them.. Though I’m sure Mom enjoyed the treat all the same. Even today I find myself getting things to celebrate mom that she enjoyed that I didn’t really think I liked but seem to now 🙂 whoopie pie was a good example. Mom looks great in those headphones.. Seems like a great tip for something that will. Really be used and enjoyed. Enjoy the rest of the day.

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