Caregiving During Covid-19

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If you look around you, you’ll see that much of the world is in hysterics over the Coronavirus. A lot of places are even on a full lockdown.

People are being warned to stay home if they can, and if they can’t, to practice social distancing. Many of us are respecting that rule. But, sadly, a lot aren’t.

There are many caregivers that have loved ones in hospitals and facilities that they cannot even go visit.

Some have elderly loved ones who live alone that they cannot visit. For some, the only means of communication is through a window or phone/video call.

Then, you have us who care for our families full time at home.

No matter how you look at this situation, its bad all around for everyone.

Some caregivers have even pulled loved ones out of facilities and brought them home to care for them.

Needless to say, caregiving is difficult enough without the worry of a virus sweeping through our households and threatening our families.

Coronavirus, Wash Your HandsWASH YOUR HANDS!!


How to Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus

So, let’s talk about how to protect ourselves and loved ones from this potentially deadly virus.

Wash your hands!

This can’t be stressed enough. This is something we should all be doing anyway! 

And if your caregiving is hands on, where you touch your loved one a lot (feeding, bathing, toileting), you’ll need to be even more vigilant about this!

Sing the birthday song twice.

Use hand sanitizer if you don’t have soap available. However, soap is definitely the preferred method.

If/when you find yourself having to go out, make handwashing the first thing you do when you get home.

If handwashing has never been a huge part of your routine, make friends with it. And don’t stop doing it when this Coronavirus is over and done with. This should be a regular part of your day to day life.

Don’t even kiss or hug your loved one without doing this.

Take a stroll through nature

Be STRICT about Social Distancing

I know this is hard for people who are very affectionate. But, please, this is so important. 

You need to be able to know you’re safe to do that. 

*The media says stay 6ft from people…*

I’m going to suggest 15 or 20ft, if possible. A sneeze can travel 10ft. And an article I read recently said, droplets from the virus can travel 15ft. Better safe than sorry.

Don’t Touch Your Face or Rub Your Eyes

If you go out without gloves, keep your hands away from your face. Or use hand sanitizer to clean your hands, before you do that.

Cover Your Mouth When You Cough or Sneeze

I can’t believe I have to say this. We’re all adults, right? 

Yet, some still don’t know to sneeze into their arm, not their hands.

Come on…let’s be more considerate of one another and beat this virus quick! 

IF You Can, Cancel All Outside Help…

If you can survive with your loved one without help, cancel them, until this all blows over.

Call off any housekeepers or anyone that can potentially bring the virus in.

You don’t know where they have been. Don’t risk it.

If you need help…make sure anyone that comes in your house practices good handwashing hygiene. 

Make them wash their hands with soap and water as soon as they come in.

Also, it might be a good idea to make them take off their shoes outside.

So, make sure you have a nice clean mat outside and inside for them to step on.

If anyone even sounds like they have a cold, stay out!

Stay Home!

Unless you need to go out to get the necessities, there’s no need to be putting others, yourself or loved ones at risk.

Walk around your yard (if you have one).
Take a walk around the neighborhood.

If you see your neighbors, be friendly, and practice social distancing. Again, I suggest 15 to 20ft of distance between you and them.

Wipe Your Home Down Regularly 

Wipe down counters, toilets, floors, etc…use the dishwasher to sanitize your dishes. Be vigilant!

I hope this was helpful. 

If you have any questions you’d like to ask or have topic ideas, please email me.

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2 thoughts on “Caregiving During Covid-19

  1. Great suggestions!! I too think 6 ft is too close! Stopped going for walks nearly three weeks ago since yeah it just didn’t feel right.. Too many people.. And some trying to get closer.. Smh. We are just carig for ourselves here and not going out.. Nor are we accepting visitors. I hope you and Mom stay safe and sound during this pandemic and are no worse for the wear. Be safe and be well.

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