My Scary Saturday

Yesterday, my mom was extremely lethargic and weak. She was eating even slower than usual. I had to wake up during breakfast and lightly tap and rub her face to prompt her to chew and swallow. I’d never seen her so weak. She could barely stand without staggering. I decided, breakfast was finished, until I …
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Best Dementia Products

Where to find the best dementia products.

Dementia & The Emotional Roller Coaster

The emotional Roller-Coaster ride dementia takes us on.

Caregiving During Covid-19

If you look around you, you’ll see that much of the world is in hysterics over the Coronavirus. A lot of places are even on a full lockdown. People are being warned to stay home if they can, and if they can’t, to practice social distancing. Many of us are respecting that rule. But, sadly, …
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What to NOT say to me, When my Mom Dies!

Let’s face it, death is a fact of life. WE WILL ALL DIE! Whether we die in utero, shortly after birth, in an accident, some kind of disease, or in our sleep at old age, we will all die. There’s just no getting around this, no matter how hard we may try. No matter how uncomfortable that …
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20 Things I’ve Learned Caring For Mom!

One Evening I was in a group and someone asked a question that caught my attention; “what has caregiving taught you?” WOW! What a loaded question! For the sake of the question and topic of the blog, I thought I would make the topic, “20 Things I’ve learned caring for mom.” 1. Patience. This is …
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