
This post may contain affiliate links from Amazon.com, TheWrightStuff.com, flexoffers.com, and CaregiverProducts.com, which means I may recieve commissions if you choose to purchase through links I provide (at no extra cost to you). If you use any of my links, I greatly appreciate it!


So, I thought it was about time to put this post up. I have been meaning to for a while, but, ya know…life…caregiving…health issues…

Anyway, I have been getting more requests for endorsements and product reviews. I wanted to give you all guidelines or bulleted points, so we can save each other’s time.
  • Know your niche!
  • How is your product helpful?
  • What stage of dementia is your product targeted at?
  • If clothing line – Is your clothing adaptable?
  • Does your product have reviews?
  • How many samples are you sending?
  • If I can’t use your product on my (late stage) mother, can I test the product on myself or another?
  • What’s your price point? Is it easily affordable for caregivers?
  • How easy is it to use your product?
  • Do you offer affiliate sales? How much? How frequent is the pay cycle?

Know your Niche

All too often, I get requests from people who have nothing to with the dementia field. Depending on the product, you’re wasting both of our time. Your product should be dementia targeted.

How is your product helpful?

What does your product do? How can I test this product with my mom, or someone else in my circle whom may be willing to test it or on myself?
You should be able to answer these questions.

What stage of dementia is your product targeted at?

People at different stages of dementia have different needs.
Some products are universal. Some not. Some may pose choking hazards (has this been tested in your product?).
We at OurFTDJourney only want the best for people we are promoting to. If your product presents a hazard, we pass.
Also, is your product hypoallergenic? Depending on the product, this could be very important information.


We don’t promote supplements.

If clothing line – Is your clothing adaptable?

As people with dementia progress, dressing becomes an issue.
Clothing lines should be adaptable. Meaning, in order to help the person living with dementia to continue to be independent or to help us caregivers clothe our loved ones, especially in later stages, clothes should be easy to get on and get off.
How does your clothing help our loved one keep their independence? Is your product helpful when they become incontinent?

Does Your Product Have Reviews?

Now, if your company is new, it may not have reviews. We understand. But, reviews help.
If there are reviews, please send us some or point us to where we can find them.

How many samples are you sending?

We would like as many samples from your product as you can offer. We don’t need the whole line. But, at some point, we’ll be testing them outside of home and setting up displays to promote the product.
For instance, if your product is for incontinence, send us a sample of disposable underwear, pads, liners…how much liquid do your pads and liners hold? We would like to test that.

If I can’t use your product on my (late stage) mother, can I test the product on myself or another?

My mom is at a point where there are a lot of products promoted to us that cannot be used on mom.
Can I test these products on myself?
Can I test these products on someone else?
What’s your price point? Is it easily affordable for caregivers?
Caregiving is expensive.
Many of us are caring for our loved ones out of pocket. We need affordable products. Especially, if we need to replace the item frequently.
Home care alone is expensive if we need to bring someone in…an aid with no medical background can start at $15 per hour and can reach $25 per hour. Imagine doing that a couple or few times a week, all year, for several years. It adds up.
Some expenses can’t be helped.
Will insurance help cover the costs of your product? If so, how much of the cost will it cover?
Also, quality matters. We would rather pay for quality than pay for something inexpensive that’s of no help or use to us.
These questions and answers matter to us caregivers.
How easy is it to use your product?
Can we caregivers or loved ones use your product with ease?
A lot of us don’t have time to spend trying to figure out how to use a product. It should be easy to use or implement for the majority of us.
The easier, the better.

Do you offer affiliate sales? How much? How frequent is the pay cycle?

Where do we send people to purchase your product?
Can we link through Amazon or another affiliate site?
How much are you offering to promote your product?
How often do you pay your affiliates?
What’s your payment method?
How will you track our sales?
These questions should be answered when you inquire.
Any other questions that we may need to get answered will be asked at inquiry. Though, we think we covered it pretty well in this post.
We just want, overall, for people to be more thoughtful and, of course honest, when making an endorsement request. This saves us all time!
You may send all endorsement inquiries (for now, until I make a new email address for this purpose) to: ourjourney@ourftdjourney.com.
Thanks! 🙂
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